Spanish Number Line

Our Spanish Number Line 1-10 include the numbers zero through ten in order. Each block includes a numeral, symbols representing the quantity, and the number word spelled out in large, kid-friendly text. With its vibrant colors, this mat or sticker will keep students visually engaged and eager to count.

PreK - Grade 2



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    Filter by Grade Level:
    1. Race-to-One

      Have a student start at ten and roll one die. They will take the number of steps on the die. The next student will start at ten and do the...
    2. Clipboard Math

      Clip a math worksheet on a clipboard. Have your students figure out the answers to the math problems by walking or jumping on the mat.
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    3. The Number Walk

      Have your student take the number walk from zero to ten. As the student steps on each number, encourage them to simultaneously say the number name. If the counting gets...
      PreK, Kindergarten

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