Math in the Morning with Ms. Suzy!

Virtual Lessons for Your Children
to Learn Through Movement

Math & Movement introduces “Math in the Morning With Ms. Suzy!” Ms. Suzy will teach your children math and literacy concepts through movement! We are offering these lessons for free, perfect for all Pre-K through 5th graders!

Math & Movement uses multi-sensory learning approaches to teach students valuable skills to succeed in their school’s math and reading curricula. Math & Movement recognizes that students learn through different styles which is why our exercises include teaching with visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements aligned with most state standards.

Most of the session will cover active math movements. Active math movements are designed to give your students physical exercise while practicing one-to-one correspondence or skip counting. These movements do not require any materials and are perfect for short brain breaks throughout your school day!

The featured activities are also marked in the buttons below so you will know the math game that will be included in each of the sessions. These materials are not required for any of the games.

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