How to Teach Kids Multiplication – Kinesthetically with our Multiplication Package!
Are you looking for fun ways to teach multiplication? Our Multiplication Package provides all the learning tools and lesson plans you need to help your students understand. Kids love to move, so educators should teach kids multiplication with kinesthetic activities.
Our Multiplication Package has six floor mats for skip counting. These mats help students learn to count by 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s on a large-scale number line. Additionally, the package includes digital skip counting banners and e-books full of lesson plans, activities, and worksheets.
These learning materials make fun ways to teach multiplication possible. Our activity database is full of ideas to keep kids playing and moving while also learning.
Repetition is the key to mastering skills. Multiplication is an extremely important math skill but is also one of the hardest concepts for students to master. Our research found that students’ multiplication skills improved significantly after using our mats for a short time.
Adding movement to teaching helps struggling students and gives all students a new way to practice skills. Teach multiplication facts kinesthetically, and watch your students get excited about math class!
Furthermore, physical activity boosts learning comprehension and improves memory retention. So not only will students learn better – they’ll remember better too!
Package Details
Cost: $995 – Save over 25%! Full price of items: $1357.50
Please call to ask us about our Math-a-thon Fundraiser. We can help you raise money for your school!
Included in the Package:
- Skip Counting by 3s
- Skip Counting by 4s
- Skip Counting by 6s
- Skip Counting by 7s
- Skip Counting by 8s
- Skip Counting by 9s
- 6 – Skip Counting Digital Banners – includes 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s
- Oodles of Algebra Set (e-books)
- I Love to Cancel Workbook (e-book)
- 2 – Multiplication Mar-A-Thon Workbook (e-book)
- Multiply With Me Set (e-books)
- Math & Movement Training Manual (e-book)
- Digital Activity Guides & Lesson Plans
Bring your multiplication lesson plans to the next level with these learning tools today!
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