Skip Counting Mats – Compact Versions
Compact versions of our beloved Skip Counting Mats! This set includes seven small floor mats to practice skip counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s with movement.
Compact versions of our beloved Skip Counting Mats! This set includes seven small floor mats to practice skip counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s with movement.
Skip Counting Mats & Stickers Our Skip Counting Mats and Stickers are excellent tools for practicing one-to-one correspondence, multiplication, division, and more! Each material focuses
Are you looking for strategies to increase student learning rapidly? Consider joining the grant-funded Math & Movement Ambassadors program! Join a team of innovative educators and jump-start kinesthetic learning in your school.
Currently only available for schools in the United States.
Why do math and sports go together? We’re sharing movement-based math activities for elementary students with a sports-theme.
Science says math and physical education work well together. Here’s how you can add math to your PE lesson plans to benefit your students’ learning.
Have the student begin on START HERE. Have the student whisper “uno” while hopping with one foot on the numeral one. Then have the student
Students at Yu Ying Charter School greatly improved their multiplication by 6s skills during a 40 minute after-school session using movement.
Three classes participated in the Math & Movement program during their multiplication units while one class did not. See how their scores compare!
Get tips on designing a kinesthetic math curriculum that benefits students. Enhance your teaching methods, math progress monitoring, and intervention resources.
This math intervention helped Pre-K students master counting to 20 and one-to-one correspondence with movement-based learning.
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