How to Teach Multiplication in a Fun, Kinesthetic Way
Enhance your multiplication strategies with movement. Here’s how to teach multiplication in a fun, effective way.
Enhance your multiplication strategies with movement. Here’s how to teach multiplication in a fun, effective way.
Research shows that ELL students prefer a kinesthetic learning style. Incorporating movement-based learning strategies into lessons can help bilingual classrooms thrive.
Easily incorporate math lessons into physical education classes with our Physical Education Kit. Includes materials that cover addition, subtraction, multiplication, and more. Perfect for students in grades K-5. Read more about our materials here.
PROGRAM DATA Backed by Research, Proven by Results Math & Movement strives to make learning fun and easy for students and empower teachers with strategies
Check out our list of essential classroom supplies. Plus, our teacher must-haves for kinesthetic learning.
What is kinesthetic learning, and how does it benefit students? Here is everything you need to get started with new strategies in the classroom!
Discover how movement-based learning can help teachers implement effective classroom management strategies for elementary students.
The Mighty Multiplication Project A partnership between Math & Movement and National Math Foundation What is the Mighty Multiplication Project?​ This math intervention research project
Easily incorporate math lessons into physical education classes with our Physical Education Kit. Includes materials that cover addition, subtraction, multiplication, and more. Perfect for all ages.
Movers & Shakers Program Movement-Based Learning Study Calling movers and shakers! Are you in an undergraduate or graduate education program and looking for new insights
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