Math & Movement Boosts Multiplication Outcomes in Greene County
Three classes participated in the Math & Movement program during their multiplication units while one class did not. See how their scores compare!
Three classes participated in the Math & Movement program during their multiplication units while one class did not. See how their scores compare!
Get tips on designing a kinesthetic math curriculum that benefits students. Enhance your teaching methods, math progress monitoring, and intervention resources.
This math intervention helped Pre-K students master counting to 20 and one-to-one correspondence with movement-based learning.
Download Case Study Davidson K-8 School Public Elementary School Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District Davidson, NC Kindergarten through Third Grade Classrooms School-Wide Study End-of-Year Measure of Academic
Brain breaks are beneficial for young students, especially when they include movement.
Learn how to start building a thinking classroom that considers Peter Lijedahl’s research and movement-based learning strategies.
Discover our math books for elementary students that help educators teach foundational math skills AND incorporate movement-based learning strategies.
What is number sense? Find out how it affects students’ learning and explore how to teach it with movement-based games and activities.
Find out which elementary math vocabulary words are the most important for kids. Plus, movement-based activities to teach them effectively.
Active math movements are designed to give your students physical exercise while practicing one-to-one correspondence or skip counting. These movements do not require any materials
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