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Here are some fun Spring activities you can use in your classroom to make math fun and active!

Bunny Hop for Fours

Make bunny ears. Whisper, “one.”

Bend left ear down (bend left-hand fingers forward). Whisper, “two.”

Bend right ear down (bend right-hand fingers forward). Whisper, “three.”

Clap‚ “FOUR!”

Continue on to forty…

Carrot Printable

Print and cut out the carrots. Place them around the room. Students can bunny hop to gather them.

For younger students: Have them add up all of their carrots! Write different numbers on the carrots for an added challenge. Students will add up the written numbers, instead of the actual amount of carrots.

For older students: Write multiplication or division problems on the carrots and use them as flashcards! 

Download the free carrot printable

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