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hundred number grid 0-99 chart

Money Madness

Grade 2

Created by:

Math & Movement

Estimated Activity Time:



Activity Instructions

Materials: 4 round baskets (e.g. laundry baskets), Add/Subtract Mat or Hundred Number Grid, Large Laminated Coins, or Play Money

  1. Lay large paper money/coins on the floor mat. (Use the money your students are currently working on counting.)
  2. Divide all participants into four groups. Place four round baskets outside each corner of the mat.
  3. One person from each team begins by holding a bean bag. Another person on each team is designated as the ‘banker’ who holds the money.
  4. The teacher will say, “Ready, set, go!” The team members with the bean bag move onto the mat and stand on a piece of money. Then they take their beanbag and aim at the laundry basket. If they make their shot, their team keeps the money. They pick it up and hand it to the banker.
  5. If they do not make the bean bag into the basket, they will hand the bean bag to the next person without keeping the money.
  6. If the person makes their shot at the basket, they will hand the bean bag to the next person on their team and repeat the activity. 
  7. The process continues until all the money is gone.
  8. Each team then has a turn counting out their money. Have the students start at the beginning of the floor mat and jump through the numbers while they count their money.
  9. The winner is the team with the most money.

Download Digital Coins: Pennies | Nickels | Dimes | Quarters

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