sight word games for kindergarten, open and closed syllables

“Skip Counting” by 2’s and 5’s

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2

Created by:

Sally Cramer

Estimated Activity Time:



Activity Instructions

Have students on the left side of the mat. Tell the student by row 1 that he/she will be stepping on each word in the row, saying either “one” or “two” all the way across. Direct the student as follows: “Step on the first word and say ‘one.’ Step on the second word and say ‘two.’ Read the word you’re on. Jump on it 3x while saying it. Now step on the next word and say ‘one.’ Step on the following word and say ‘two.’ Read the word you’re on. Jump on it 3x while saying it. Continue to the end of the row.” Ask different students to follow this procedure for as many rows as you wish. (Grades K-1)

Do the same activity but counting by fives instead. (Grades 1-2)

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