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Stupendous Square Roots

Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 8

Created by:

Math & Movement

Estimated Activity Time:


Functions, KNOWRE Grade 8, Chapter 6 Rational Numbers


Square Roots

Activity Instructions

Follow the directions for Super Squares activity:

Put construction paper down on the numbers 1, 2, 11, and 12. This makes a 2 x 2 square and the square number 4. Have students count the four squares to discover that 2 x 2 is actually 4. Ask, “What is the next square number? Who can guess?” Students can find the answer by covering the 3 x 3 square (covering the numbers 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, and 23). Have the children skip count by threes to discover that 3 x 3 is 9. Continue laying down pieces of construction paper to make additional square numbers.

After each square has been created, ask, “What is the square root of the square number 4…or of 9… or of 16…” or whatever square number you are discussing. The square root is the number of rows or columns that make the square number. Continue asking similar questions, such as “Who can figure out the square root of 25, 49, or 81?”

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