After-School Programs for Public Schools: Bridging the Gap

afterschool programs for public schools
Create an after-school program that provides public school enrichment activities, academic support initiatives, and education gap solutions.

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Reading and math scores in the U.S. have dropped to their lowest levels in decades. Recent math scores show a widening gap based on gender and race. After-school programs for public schools can act as education gap solutions. With after-school activities, schools can provide both enrichment and academic support initiatives.

You’ll find many proposals for student engagement programs after school, but which ones are the best fit for your community?

Math & Movement has a range of kits for after-school programs. Our program incorporates movement with learning, which boosts student learning outcomes and engagement levels. Studies have shown significant improvement in basic math skills after engaging in movement-based learning strategies.

Learn more about what makes an effective after-school program and why Math & Movement is a great choice.


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Benefits of After-School Programs for Public Schools

Research shows that after-school programs for public schools have many benefits for students. They can improve educational outcomes and narrow achievement gaps. After-school programs provide extra academic support and more learning opportunities beyond regular school hours. These academic support initiatives can be personalized to each student in many programs.

Students who regularly participate in quality after-school programs have lower rates of absenteeism. They feel more confident in their academic abilities. They may feel a greater sense of connection to their school community.

After-school programs promote better social-emotional learning. They can reduce risky behaviors for older youth and help prevent kids from dropping out of school. Furthermore, they help high school students develop skills for college and a career.

What Makes an Effective After-School Program?

The best education gap solutions have some features in common. These after-school programs are designed to foster educational success for all students.

Clear Purpose and Objectives

Quality after-school programs have a clear purpose and measurable objectives. If your main goal is improving academic performance, you can analyze your grade level and school-wide data to identify weaknesses. You can then find activities and resources to address those gaps.

You may want a broader set of objectives. For example, you could plan after-school activities that support academic enrichment, community service, and physical fitness.

Math & Movement’s kinesthetic educational products make pairing physical activity and academics easy. Our materials, including floor mats, allow students to physically move while practicing core concepts. The traditional school day is usually sedentary, so it is important to encourage physical activities for kids when possible.

after school activities for education gap solutions

Scheduled Activities

The program should have a schedule of activities that match its objectives. Parents should know what their children will be doing each day. For example, you may set aside a specific time for students to do homework, followed by a time for physical movement or community engagement.

Qualified Staff

The staff implementing these academic support initiatives is the key to the program. Ideally, they’re certified teachers from the students’ own schools. Teachers know the students and can incorporate material from the students’ regular schooling.

You’ll need to find money to pay staff for the additional planning, preparation, and program implementation. Some districts and schools may have money available for after-school activities. Otherwise, you’ll need to find funding from grants or other sources.

Tracking System for Student Progress

The best public school enrichment programs have a clearly defined method for tracking student achievement. If you use intervention resources, the materials may include suggestions for measuring results.

Tracking should include data on each individual student’s progress toward meeting the program objectives. Collective data that consists of all program participants can also be valuable. Teachers and program supervisors can use this information to decide if a child benefits from the intervention.

How to Engage Students in After-School Learning

Students see greater gains from after-school programs when they attend regularly. However, keeping students interested and engaged in learning activities can be challenging.


Incentives can motivate students to keep working, especially on tasks that they find difficult at first. Rewards can be tangible, like stickers or small fidgets, or intangible, like being the line leader or getting the first turn in a game.

Teachers and researchers have mixed views on incentives. Some teachers endorse them wholeheartedly. Others feel that they actually decrease intrinsic motivation.

Research shows that incentives can help students stay focused on educational tasks. However, this doesn’t necessarily correspond to true learning and skill development. Students may perform to earn a reward without internalizing the knowledge.

Movement and Other Sensory Activities

Kinesthetic learning is a learning style where students interact physically with lesson content. Research shows that kinesthetic activities see higher student engagement levels than traditional activities. Additionally, students have better learning outcomes.

Kids who participate in kinesthetic learning activities show higher self-confidence in the subject matter, which keeps them engaged. It’s a positive cycle where better outcomes lead to higher confidence and more engagement.

Movement and other sensory activities have benefits when used in the learning environment.

Research shows the value of “brain breaks” for elementary school students. Structured breaks incorporating movement, mindfulness exercises, and creative activities help students focus better on their lessons. Likewise, brain breaks improve behavior when students have an outlet for their pent-up energy.

Kinesthetic activities encourage students to communicate with each other and work together. They support teamwork, cooperation, and healthy interactions.

public school enrichment

Why Choose Math & Movement for Public School Enrichment?

As an educator, you want the best for your students. However, creating and managing an after-school program can seem like too much to take on. You need a cost-effective solution for public school enrichment that you and your teachers can implement easily.

The Math & Movement program harnesses children’s natural inclination for activity and turns it into enthusiasm for learning. We incorporate visual, auditory, and tactile elements that will support your after-school program. Our materials include floor mats, stickers, and other manipulatives to make hands-on learning possible.

Our materials are easy to set up and use. They’re durable, easy to clean, and waterproof. Plus, one material can be used throughout the school year to teach multiple concepts. This makes our materials a cost-effective investment!

Teachers can choose activities for different levels of learners from our online database. We have multiple activities for each material so that educators can select one for a large group of students, a small group, or even individual students needed more personalized help.

Start Planning Your Education Gap Solutions

Well-planned after-school programs for public schools can be an effective way to close the education gap. They give teachers the opportunity to spend more time with their students and help them in a more personalized and flexible way.

Math & Movement After-School Kits are an excellent addition to your programs. Start giving your kids the benefits of learning through movement.

After School Program Kits


Movement isn't just for recess

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