CSPAP: How Math & Movement Fits Your Proposal

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CSPAP: How Math & Movement Fits Your Proposal

How does Math & Movement fit into the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP)

 Many schools across the nation have implemented Math & Movement to increase physical activity minutes in their classrooms. Our exercises and activities have been shown to help students become more physically active, which improves their grades, school attendance, cognitive performance, and classroom behaviors. So how does Math & Movement fit into the CSPAP framework?

Quality of Physical Education

CSPAP guidelines require planned physical activity throughout the school day. Math & Movement is a favorite of many physical education teachers. PE teachers use the Math & Movement Training Manual for K-5 Physical Education as a resource for standard-based activities that are easy and fun to implement. It provides activities and lesson plans that encourage students to develop physical fitness and improve motor skills. Our activities include high-quality aerobic, cross-body, cardiovascular, and muscle and bone-strengthening exercises. These exercises are used in coordination with floor mats and manipulatives to reinforce math and literacy concepts. By learning new concepts with the entire body, students retain more information and develop creative solutions to problem-solving.

Math & Movement is a highly flexible program with curricula and activities aligned with most state standards. The program uses multi-modal materials that support all student learning styles and offers a variety of approaches to learn key concepts consistent with multidimensional learning practices. Each activity includes visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements so all learners are equally engaged. If students struggle with physical activity related to chronic health issues or disabilities, they can use the Sit Down Math or Tapping at the Table activities to participate with the rest of the class. These activities allow all students in the classroom to participate in muscle and bone-strengthening activities while engaging different muscle groups and improving coordination. 

In addition to promoting physical health and well-being, Math & Movement encourages social-emotional well-being. These benefits also reinforce CSPAP guidelines for the quality of physical education.

Physical Activity During the School Day

CSPAP guidelines require extra physical activity during the school day. The Math & Movement program can be used to supplement daily curriculum and add more physical activity to the school day. Teachers can also organize sensory pathways through hallways and take advantage of transition periods as a learning opportunity. Students interact with different floor mats and stickers that guide them through simple counting or literacy exercises as they travel between classrooms. These exercises provide students with extra activity between classes, reinforce curriculum material, and improve student focus as they transition between classes. 

Physical Activity Before and After School 

Schools have seamlessly integrated the Math & Movement program into their before and after school programs. Teachers can choose from a range of activities with different time frames so they can pick and choose which ones they use throughout the day. Activities like Sit Down Math or Math ‘N Yoga can occur at the beginning of the school day as a warm-up to energize students for their classes. These movements will also improve student focus in class, which can reduce disruptive behaviors.

Math & Movement has been implemented in many before and after school settings across the nation. Both the PE-specific activities and the general Math & Movement activities have successfully helped students be physically active. Students also practice concepts they have learned in their physical education and math classes. Check out our after school program page and recent collaboration with the Greater Ithaca Activities Center for more information.

Staff Involvement

Teachers know movement is critical for student well-being, but they also have academic goals they need to meet. The various goals and amount of activities they have to fit into a school day can be overwhelming to even the most experienced teachers. 

Implementing Math & Movement is simple and highly effective with helping students reach state standards easily. Teachers frequently say that the Math & Movement program has reignited their love of teaching, reduced their stress levels, and increased their physical fitness. Their enthusiasm and success helps them serve as positive role models for their students.

Principals are also excited by the higher teacher retention rates they observe in their schools after implementing the program. Students, teachers, and families love the approach because it rapidly increases student success, improves student attendance, and improves student-teacher relationships.

Family and Community Engagement 

Math & Movement engages parents, school staff, and community members in physical activity at events like Family Fun Nights. Each school community will choose how to implement the program for their students, families, and community members. Math & Movement’s consultants train volunteers, help with program set-up, and distribute program materials.

Family Fun Nights connect students, parents, and teachers and encourage a positive learning environment. Parents and students interact with different math and literacy mats and educational activities. Students complete workbooks using different manipulatives, and receive guidance and support from their parents and teachers. Teachers use these events as opportunities to connect and engage with classroom parents. Often, schools will use Family Fun Nights to partner with community businesses and organizations. These events bring communities together to encourage student well-being, which in turn improves the community’s well-being.


Math & Movement has helped many schools increase their students’ physical activity and benefit students’ learning experiences. We believe increasing physical activity, meeting key academic needs, and helping struggling students will increase teacher buy-in into the Creating Healthy Schools program goals. We are confident that teachers will love this program and their enthusiasm will ensure their ongoing participation in the Healthy Schools program. Contact Math & Movement today to partner with us for your CSPAP!


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