Contraction Hopscotch

Contractions can be confusing, but these mats help students learn to build common contractions by moving as they drill. The mat is formatted in a typical hopscotch pattern, where the individual words make up rows with two boxes, and their contracted form makes up the single boxed row immediately above. Each contraction group is colored individually to help students distinguish which words can be contracted. The activities can be done with any of the Contraction Hopscotch materials.

Grade 2 - Grade 4

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    1. Contraction Hopscotch

      Have a student begin on START HERE. Have them read the first two words that contract while jumping with two feet on the mat --one foot on each word. Then,...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    2. Contraction Clap

      Follow instructions for the Contraction Hopscotch activity. Have your students clap as they say the contraction.
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    3. Bean Bag Decides

      Have a student throw a bean bag on the mat. Have them jump to the bean bag alternating between two-footed jumps and one-footed hops (as described in the Contraction Hopscotch...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    4. Matching Contractions

      Create or use the word cards on the following pages that match the words and contractions on the floor mat. Mix up the words and put the words in a...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    5. Clipboard Contractions

      Clip a worksheet that involves contractions to a clipboard. Have students complete the worksheet using the mat to find the answer to unknown contractions.
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    6. Contraction Puzzle

      Cover the contractions with paper. Have a student jump to the first set of base words on the mat. Then, have them place notecards over the letters in the base...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    7. Squeeze Out the Letters

      Tell students, “Contract means to squeeze together. So a contraction is two words squeezed together! The letters that get squeezed out are marked with an apostrophe.” As they jump down...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    8. Spelling Contractions

      Have a student jump on the first word (left single block) on the mat with both feet. Have them spell out the word while doing jumping jacks for each letter....
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    9. Contraction Sentences

      Have a student stand on the START HERE block. Have them jump to the first two words and read them out loud. Use the words in a sentence. Then, have...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4

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