Geometric Shapes

The purpose of the Geometric Shapes Hop is to offer a kinesthetic opportunity for children to learn
the names of different shapes and recognize and identify their attributes. This mat shows shapes with many sides, including triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, and decagon. For each shape, the name, amount of sides, and image are included.

Grade 2 - Grade 4



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    1. Name the Shape

      Have a student roll a dice or a number cube (up to ten). The student will jump to that number and say the name of the geometric shape that has...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    2. Jump the Shapes

      Have students begin on START HERE. Have them jump on the โ€œtriangleโ€ block and say, โ€œTriangle. A triangle has three sides.โ€ Have students bend down and point to each side...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    3. Name an Object

      Have students begin on START HERE. Students jump on each box and say a real object that is the same shape. For example, โ€œA piece of pizza is shaped like...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    4. Shape Match

      Use shape cards (located in the appendix). Have students draw a card randomly and find that shape on the mat. Ask your students, โ€œHow many sides and angles does this...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    5. Which Shape is it?

      Ask your students the following questions or have the questions written on index cards. Have them show you the answer by jumping on that shape on the mat. Samantha has...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    6. Speed Round Shapes

      Call out a shape. The student has to quickly jump on that shape. Try to go as fast as you can!
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    7. Memory

      Call out two or more shapes for your students to remember. Then, have them hop on the shapes in the same order. The more shapes you give them, the harder...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    8. More sides

      Hold up two shape cards. The student will jump on the shape that has more sides. (Do the same with vertices)
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    9. Fewer sides

      Hold up two shape cards. The student will jump on the shape that has fewer sides.
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4

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