Prefix Hops

These bright mats help students learn with fun prefix activities. Each block includes the prefix, its meaning, and an example word.

Prefix Hop A: Re-, Un-, Im-, In-, Non-, De-, Dis-, Pre-, Pro-
Prefix Hop B: Mid-, Mis-, Auto-, Anti-, En-, Em-, Ex-, Inter-
Prefix Hop C: Co-, Ultra-, Tele-, Over-, Sub-, Fore-, Trans-
Prefix Hop D: Semi-, Uni-, Bi-, Tri-, Quad-, Oct-, Deca-, Deci-
Prefix Hop E: Centi-, Mille-, Milli-, Kilo-, Micro-, Multi-, Poly-, Super-

Grade 3 - Grade 4

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    1. Spell It

      Have students spell the new word they made with the prefix included.
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    2. New Word

      Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known prefix is added to a known word (e.g., happy/unhappy, tell/retell)
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    3. Find the Prefix/base word

      Have students jump on each space saying aloud the word/s on each. On each space, ask them what the base word is in each word. Then have them identify the...
      Grade 3
    4. Prefix Fix

      After hopping the mat and getting familiar with the words and prefixes have them toss a bean bag onto the mat, jump down to the space it landed on, identify...
      Grade 3
    5. Prefix Meaning Hop

      Students will jump from prefix to prefix, until they are told to stop. When they are told to stop, they should give an explanation of how the prefix changes the...
      Grade 3
    6. Words Meaning Hop

      Students should hop from block to block until they are told to stop. When they land on the block, they should explain the meaning of both of the words and...
      Grade 3
    7. Prefix Sentences

      Have students hop until they are told to stop. Students will say the prefix that they land on, and then come up with a sentence using the prefix. They can...
      Grade 3