Ten Frame

This is the Ten Frame Hop floor mat. This mat offers a kinesthetic opportunity for students to understand numbers, addition, subtraction, odd and even numbers, and numbers that make ten. Students use their whole bodies to develop number sense as they hop across the mat, trace out the numbers, and build sums with manipulatives.

The Ten Frame Hop is designed like a typical ten frame, but with the numbers one through ten included on the mat. The first row (1 to 5) is colored red, and the second row (6 to 10) is colored yellow to help students visualize an alternative grouping of the numbers.

The following activities can be used with the Ten Frame Floor Mat, Sticker, or Stencil.

Kindergarten - Grade 1


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    1. Whatโ€™s My Number?

      Put markers (e.g., bean bags) on each square from 1 to 7. Have the student tell you how many markers you have by hopping and counting each hop all the...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    2. Make the Number

      Create flashcards with numbers 1-10. Show a student a card and have him or her place the correct number of markers on the mat. Repeat several times with different numbers....
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    3. More or Less

      Add to the above activities by asking the student the following questions: What is (one, two, etc.) more than the number they made? What is (one, two, etc.) less?
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    4. Roll and Trace

      Material(s): Ten Frame Mat, Marker objects like bean bags, dice Have a student roll a die and make that number with their bean bags / marker objects on the ten...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    5. Trace the Number

      Have students trace the numbers with their two fingers (pointer and middle) and say the number.
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    6. Compare Numbers and Amounts

      Make a number (e.g., 3) with markers on 1, 2, and 3. Then, make a different number (e.g., 6) with a different color marker. Ask which is greater or less.
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    7. How Many More

      Have a student mark out a number. Then, ask them to hop on the spaces following it and count how many are left until they reach 10. For example, the...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    8. How Many Less

      Same as the above activity, but have students make subtraction problems. For example, mark 8. Stand on 10 and see how many hops to get back to 8. Then, say...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    9. Add or Subtract 5

      Give a student a number (roll a die, pull a card, or say it verbally). Then, tell the student to either subtract or add '5'. To solve, they will stand...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    10. Meeting on the Mat

      Have two students stand on two different numbers. How many hops will it take for one student to reach the other?
      Kindergarten, Grade 1

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