Jump & Learn Addition and Subtraction Workbook

(1 customer review)


Jump & Learn Addition and Subtraction makes learning active, fun, and engaging! The positive affirmations and colorful stickers promote student self-confidence and positive math mindsets.

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Have Fun Learning Addition and Subtraction With this Math Workbook

Jump & Learn Addition and Subtraction makes learning active, fun, and engaging! The positive affirmations and colorful stickers boost student self-confidence while creating positive math mindsets. Students will love using this math workbook.

The book provides a thorough process for students to learn and practice math with addition and subtraction for numbers between zero and twenty. Students begin with the study of numbers from zero to ten. Students practice adding one, subtracting one, adding two, subtracting two, making ten, adding and subtracting within ten, adding three addends, and comparing numbers. Students then follow a similar process for studying numbers from eleven to twenty.

A unique component of this book is the regular intermixing of practice pages and practical word problems. Students enhance their fact fluency while solving relevant, relatable word problems. This method has the twofold benefit of strengthening studentsโ€™ math fact fluency and enhancing their problem-solving ability.

The questions are aligned with state standards and are asked in various ways to strengthen studentsโ€™ ability to solve word problems. Students are encouraged to begin and end each practice page by reciting a positive affirmation with cross-body movements!

Students document their learning progress by placing stickers in their books. The book has pre-tests, post-tests, and a documentation sheet to track student scores. Once they complete the program, students place a large sticker on their Certificate of Completion.

Learning addition and subtraction doesn’t have to be boring. Young kids will have a blast while doing these fun math activities for middle school students. This will keep them engaged and willing to learn more!

Use Jump & Learn Addition and Subtraction in classrooms, homework support, intervention, after-school programs, Saturday academies, or Summer Learning programs.


About the Author

Suzy Koontz is an educational consultant, an actuary, a former math teacher, and an author. She is a frequent speaker on the benefits of combining math practice with movement. Suzy’s mission is for all students to be on grade level in math and reading. As a national presenter for schools, conferences, and PTA/O, Suzy shares how movement-based learning can assist in accomplishing this goal. She lives in Ithaca, New York, with her husband and four daughters.


Product Details

  • Language: English
  • Dimensions: โ€Ž 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Pages: 282


ยฉ 2023 Suzy Koontz. All rights reserved.

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Book Type

Ebook, Spiral Bound

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