Multiplication and Division in the Real World


Welcome to Multiplication and Division in the Real World! These books teach multiplication and division strategies for solving problems that studentsย encounter in their daily lives.

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Teach multiplication and division strategies with these books!

When we introduce mixed multiplication and division (real-world) questions, we do so in two parts. In the first set of questions, we ask the student to identify the operation needed to solve the problem. Students circle either multiply or divide. We ask the student to identify the operation and solve the problem in the second set of questions.

Students tend to be confused about which operation to use when first introduced to multiplication and division real-world problems. That’s why we organized these books in this way.

Book A has an additional 40 mixed multiplication and division real-world problems. Book B has an additional 42 mixed multiplication and division real-world problems. Located at the end of the book, these problems offer a mix of all the multiples. After working through these books, students will have strong problem-solving skills for multiplication and division!

We hope you enjoy the books!


Product Details

Language: โ€Ž English

Book A Pages: 312

Book A ISBN-13: โ€Ž 978-1-7373728-8-2

Book B Pages: 344

Book B ISBN-13: 978-1-7373728-9-9

Dimensions: โ€Ž 8.5 x 11 inches


About the Author

Suzy Koontz is an educational consultant, actuary, former math teacher, author of numerous books, and founder of Learn Thru Movement, Inc., and the Math & Movement program. She is also the founder and board member of the non-profit National Math Foundation, whose mission is to enhance basic math and literacy skills and increase student and teacher wellness. Suzy lives in Ithaca, New York with her husband and four daughters.


ยฉ 2022 Suzy Koontz. All rights reserved.

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Book A, Book B

Book Type

Hard Copy, Ebook

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