Oodles of Algebra – 3rd Grade (ebook)


This downloadable workbook is a step-by-step, child-friendly instructional guide for learning basic algebra!


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Algebra for 3rd Graders

Are you looking for algebra books for beginners? Oodles of Algebra is the perfect way to introduce 3rd graders to algebraic equations! This child-friendly, instructional guide explains basic algebra.

Oodles of Algebra enhances visual discrimination while strengthening addition, subtraction, and multiplication skills. Give your child a head start in learning algebra while receiving the necessary practice in visual discrimination and basic math skills!

This algebra workbook for beginners is sent as a downloadable PDF to your email after you purchase. Master 3rd grade algebra with the practice problems!

Includes: 50 pages


About the Author

Suzy Koontz, Founder and CEO of Learn Thru Movement, is an actuary, an educational consultant, a math teacher, and the creator of Math & Movement, Movement & Literacy and over 150 kinesthetic teaching tools. As the author of over 15 books, Suzyโ€™s passion is helping students recognize their ability to learn and helping them lead healthier lives while achieving academic success.

Suzyโ€™s mission is for all students to be on grade level in math and reading. As a national presenter for schools, conferences, and PTA/O, Suzy shares how movement-based learning can assist in accomplishing this goal. Several media outlets have featured Suzyโ€™s work.

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