Practice number conversions between fractions, percents, and decimals. Help young mathematicians understand the relationship between fractions through movement-based activities using these large-scale charts.
$375.00 – $500.00
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Understanding the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percents can be challenging for young mathematicians. We created our Fraction, Decimal, and Percentage Hops to help! Make math calculations active and fun with this large-scale percentage, fraction, and decimal chart. We offer versions with rectangular fraction models for thirds and sixths, halves and fourths, and thirds and fourths.
The Fraction, Decimal, and Percentage Hops feature whole numbers from -5 through 5. Each number is shown with its percentage, decimal, and fractional value. The corresponding equivalent fractions are on either side of the whole numbers. This material’s three-column layout makes comparing fractions, whole numbers, decimals, and percents easy.
This mat or sticker has ample space for multiple students to interact with it at one time. The colorful design will capture students’ attention and keep them engaged with math activities.
Students will be able to comprehend the relationship between fractions, decimals, percents, and whole numbers after hopping on this material. Practice identifying proper and improper fractions with your class.
Set aside the traditional paper fraction to decimal charts! Watch your students become pros at converting fractions to decimals and percents when you incorporate movement into your math lessons.
Above all, physical activity boosts students’ learning comprehension and improves their memory retention. Plus, movement-based activities such as stepping, skipping, jumping, and tracing are so fun that most kids forget they are even learning math! Take a look at our activity database to find lots of hands on activities.
Teach number conversions with this large percent, fraction, and decimal chart, and see the immediate difference in your students’ math mindset! Convert percents and decimals to fractions and back again with ease.
Materials: Our floor mats are made from heavy-duty vinyl. They are easy to clean, durable, and long-lasting. Some teachers have used their mats for over 10 years! Our floor mats are made from heavy-duty vinyl. They are easy to clean, durable, and long-lasting. Some teachers have used their mats for over 10 years! Each sticker is 6.4 mm thick and laminated for extra protection. Our stickers are made with the latest advancements in 3M adhesive technology so applications are easy, quick, and hassle-free.
Dimensions: 40 x 210 inches
Thirds/Sixths –
Halves/Fourths –
Thids/Fourths –
Our percent to fraction to decimal chart can help young learners with:
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