Second Grade Math and Literacy Floor Mats 

Second Grade Math Floor Mats
Looking to engage your students when teaching second grade math? Check out Math & Movement's top 3 floor mats for kinesthetic learning!

Table of Contents

Second grade students have a lot of energy. The more they sit still, the harder it is for them to focus on their schoolwork. Taking a kinesthetic approach to class time will help your students learn second grade math and literacy concepts and focus on their work. Best of all, your students will have fun and begin to love learning! These three floor mats and their included math and literacy games will keep your students engaged and excited to learn.

Commonly Confused Word Hop

The Commonly Confused Word Hop floor mat helps students recognize the difference between words that sound the same. Each pair of words on this mat sounds similar, but have different spellings and meanings. Students will learn the correct vowel sounds and spelling for each word. By playing the included second grade literacy games, they will also learn how and when to use each word.

Contraction Hopscotch and Second Grade Literacy Activities

When your students learn about contractions, add some physical exercise to their lessons with the Contraction Hopscotch floor mats. Each mat in this set covers how to make common contractions, and includes pronoun and negatives.

Not sure how to get started? Here’s a sample activity to include in your class’s second grade literacy activities:

  1. Have the student stand on START HERE.
  2. Have the student read the two words that contract while hopping with two feet on the mat.
  3. Next, have student hop with one foot on the contraction and say the contraction.
  4. Be sure that your student says the words and the contraction correctly. If your student struggles with these words, help them talk it out.
  5. Continue alternating between two feet and one-footed hops to the end of the mat.

While you can purchase individual Contraction Hop floor mats, we recommend purchasing the whole bundle. That way, your students can master every contraction through movement!

Geometric Shapes Hop

Many students struggle with math from an early age, which can lead to math phobia and anxiety that can last their entire lives. In order to keep kids thinking positively about math, it’s important to make it a fun, approachable subject early in their school career. Learning math kinesthetically keeps students engaged and connects them directly to what they’re learning.

When your students need to practice their shapes, consider using Math & Movement’s Geometric Shapes Hop. Students can hop, jump, and skip up and down the mat to learn the names of shapes and their number of sides. We also offer an activity guide with the mat full of ideas for math practice second grade students will love.

Second Grade Math Floor Mats

You can find all of our second grade math and literacy floor mats on our website. When considering individual desk work, consider ordering any of these mats as a sticker. Please contact us with any questions about our mats or for more information about getting started with Math & Movement.


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