Equivalent Fraction

The purpose of the Equivalent Fraction Hop Mat is to help students understand fractions in relation to whole numbers. The activities found in this guide help students recognize equivalent fractions and progress into addition, subtraction, and multiplication of fractions.

Grade 2 - Grade 6



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    1. Reciprocal

      Use the Equivalent Fraction mat to teach reciprocals. Have students find ยฝ . Ask what they would multiply ยฝ by to get 1. (2/1) Point out that the reciprocal of...
      Grade 6
    2. Adding Different Denominators

      Give students two fractions to add together. Example: โ…“ and โ…š. They will have to use equivalent fractions to see that โ…“ is the same as 2/6. (Use techniques mentioned...
      Grade 5
    3. Addition/Simplify Race

      Students start at 1/10 and roll the dice to get a number to add to their numerator. Each student gets 3 turns each. After the first roll if they can...
      Grade 4, Grade 5
    4. Simplifying Fractions

      Ask your students the following questions. Have them solve each by standing on the fraction in the problem and finding an equivalent fraction. (Can slide foot along line horizontally or...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    5. Cross The Mat

      The teacher will stand on the left side of the mat near the ยฝ and โ…“ number patterns. Have students cross the mat only stepping on fractions that are equivalent...
      Grade 4
    6. Math Toss

      Write +, -, x on cards ahead of the game. Students will toss two bags/dice on the floor mat and then add/subtract/multiply the two fractions they land on depending on...
      Grade 4, Grade 5
    7. Roll the Dice and Simplify

      Have a student roll two dice to create a fraction. Ask him or her if the fraction can be simplified. If so, have him or her simplify the fraction. Place...
      Grade 4
    8. Word Problems

      Have students use the floor mat to solve word problems. Student A will stand on the first fraction mentioned in the word problem. Student B will stand on the second...
      Grade 4
    9. Adding and Subtracting Fractions

      Write addition and subtraction problems with fractions having the same denominator on index cards. Have students use the Equivalent Fraction Mat as a number line to help them solve the...
      Grade 4
    10. Multiplying Fractions

      Give students a fraction to multiply. For example: What is 3 x โ…œ ? Remind students that when we are multiplying 3 x โ…œ, we are adding three groups of...
      Grade 4, Grade 5

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