Multiplication Hop

The Multiplication Hop Floor Mat increases multiplication and skip counting fluency. These colorful mats are a fun way to show the times table, including numbers all the way from 1ร—1 to 10ร—10!

Activities can be used on any of the sizes of the Multiplication Hop Mat (mini, regular, or large).

Grade 3 - Grade 7

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    1. Skip Counting Fun

      Have students stand next to the pattern of skip counting numbers, either by the row or the column. Have the students jump on each number while skip counting. It is...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    2. Perimeter

      Place a beanbag on a number in the middle of the mat. For example, 48. This is the area of the rectangle students will make. Use painterโ€™s tape to make...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    3. Area

      Similar to perimeter activity above, have students find the area of various rectangles using the mat. Place a beanbag on a number in the middle of the mat. For example,...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    4. Task Cards

      Have the student jump on the factors and products as they say the answer to these story problems. May plays the piano for 4 hours every day. How many hours...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    5. Bean Bag Fun

      Have one student throw a bean bag on the floor mat. Two students walk from the top and side of the mat following the appropriate column/row to the number where...
      Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
    6. Flashcard Fun

      Use multiplication flashcards through 10 x 10. Two students work together. One student pulls a card from the pile of flashcards. The second student locates the answer on the floor...
      Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
    7. Factoring Task Cards

      1. Ella has 12 soccer balls, 16 basketballs, and 24 baseballs. She wants to have the same number in each box. What is the least number of boxes she will...
      Grade 4
    8. Whiteboard Magic

      Divide your students into teams of four. Each team works together to solve the problems. Give each team a card as their goal. Card 1: Your goal is to have...
      Grade 4, Grade 5
    9. Least Common Multiple

      What is the least common multiple of 6 and 8? Have two students step on the mat. One walks on the row of multiples of 6 and the other on...
      Grade 4, Grade 5
    10. Factor Finding

      Put a bean bag on all of the 20s on the mat. Walk each row and column that end at a 20 to find all the factors of 20.
      Grade 4, Grade 5

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