Multiplication Hopscotch

This is the Multiplication Hopscotch floor mat. Designed to reflect a game of hopscotch, this floor mat helps students learn how to multiply numbers by themselves, from 1 times 1 to 10 times 10, and, in turn, setting the foundation for squaring and exponent work. Each row that contains two numbers is composed of two factors, which, once multiplied together, make the product immediately above the row.

Grade 3 - Grade 8

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    1. Arrays

      Use blocks or a different manipulative to make an array for each multiplication fact.
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    2. Division

      Ask students to hop down the mat towards zero while dividing each number in a lone square by the number below it while reciting the number sentence. e.g. Hops on...
      Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
    3. Multiplication Hopscotch

      Have students hop both feet onto 1 and 1. Then, have them hop one foot on the product, 1. Continue with this pattern (two and two, and then the product,...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    4. Squares

      This mat is useful to reinforce teaching about square numbers. Once students know that a number multiplied by itself makes a square, have them hopscotch down the mat using that...
      Grade 4
    5. Square Root Hopscotch

      To reinforce teaching about square roots, have students hopscotch the mat starting from the top (10x10) and ending at the start (1x). As they hop, have them call out the...
      Grade 8
    6. Bean Bag Toss

      Have students take turns tossing a bean bag onto the mat. Then, have them hopscotch down to where it landed. When they reach the number it landed on, either call...
      Grade 4, Grade 5

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