Equivalent Fraction

The purpose of the Equivalent Fraction Hop Mat is to help students understand fractions in relation to whole numbers. The activities found in this guide help students recognize equivalent fractions and progress into addition, subtraction, and multiplication of fractions.

Grade 2 - Grade 6



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    1. Reaching One

      Have students determine how far they are from the whole by giving them a fraction card and having them walk the fraction boxes until they get to the whole. For...
      Grade 4
    2. Where’s My Place?

      Create a vertical number line with zero through one on the perimeter of the mat (tape on the floor or printed on paper). Create index cards with fractions (ex: ¼,...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    3. Fraction Madness

      Create ten index cards with equivalent fractions, decimals, and percents for a fraction located on the mat. For example, create ten index cards that are equivalent to or represent ½....
      Grade 4
    4. Which is larger?

      (3rd) Ask your students, “Which is larger, 3/7 or 1/7? Why?” Have students get on the mat and see which is more if needed. Repeat using different fractions with the...
      Grade 3
    5. 3-in-a-Row

      Have a student roll dice to create a fraction. Have the student put a marker on that fraction or on an equivalent fraction. Take turns between students until one student...
      Grade 4
    6. The Magical Number One

      What are all of the names for 1? Ask your students the following questions while looking at the mat: Is 2/2 equal to one? Is 4/2 equal to one? Is...
      Grade 3
    7. Observing the Mat

      Ask a student to tell you something they observe on the mat. For example, “A circle with half shaded in.” This is a great way to make the mat feel...
      Grade 2
    8. Bean Bag Toss

      Have a student toss a bean bag to a fraction. The student will hop to the bean bag and say the fraction aloud. Next, have the student hop to find...
      Grade 3
    9. Matching Game – Decimals

      Create index cards with various decimals on them (ex. .25, .5). Have your students play the same game as above. After drawing a card, students will attempt to find an...
      Grade 4
    10. Matching Game – Percents

      Create index cards with various percents on them (ex. 20%, 50%). Have your students play the same game as above. After drawing a card, students will attempt to find an...
      Grade 4, Grade 5

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