Create a Sight Word Wall for Kindergarten with These Stickers!
We’ve turned our popular Word Hop floor mats into sight word wall stickers in the shape of hands! Look no further for sight word wall ideas – simply adhere these hands to your classroom’s or hallway’s wall. Watch your students read these high frequency words each time they move around the room or down the hall.
This collection of wall stickers covers the Sight Words identified by Dr. Edward William Dolch. These are basic words that usually cannot be sounded out and must be learned by sight. All 220 Dolch sight words are listed across our 29 available sets of stickers. Each set includes seven sight words in large, kid-friendly text on a colorful hand sticker.
Purchase individual sticker sets or the entire collection!
Learning how to read can be challenging, especially considering how complex the English language is. With our Word Hop Hand Wall Stickers, students drill letter and word recognition through movement. Tactile learners will be engaged as they place their hand on each word’s hand sticker. These movements will boost student learning comprehension and improve memory retention.
Additionally, the bright colors will engage visual learners. These eye-catching stickers will have students looking at sight words daily. Furthermore, it is easy to practice reading aloud while touching these stickers, which will appeal to auditory learners!
Engage your whole class with this unique sight word wall for kindergarten! Students can practice reciting, spelling, and using the words in sentences while moving their hands from one sticker to the next.
Product Details
Materials:Â 3.2 mil vinyl film with permanent pressure-sensitive adhesive with Comply Adhesive for fast, easy bubble-free installation
Includes:Â Each set includes 9 stickers (6 hands with words, one circle with one word, two blank hands). See picture below for setup example.
Dimensions: Each hand sticker is approximately 6.3 inches tall by 5.5 inches wide. Each circle sticker has a diameter of approximately 3.2 inches.
Words get progressively harder with each mat (ranging from A as the easiest to AC as the hardest). See word lists below. Select option at drop-down above. These words match the Word Hop Floor Mats and Word Hop Floor Stickers.
- Word Hop Mat A: I, A, The, Go, Can, Is, Me
- Word Hop Mat B: To, In, It, Run, Did, Like, And
- Word Hop Mat C: Not, We, Get, Said, My, See, You
- Word Hop Mat D: Have, Are, No, What, Do, At, On
- Word Hop Mat E: Was, For, Come, Funny, He, Jump, Little
- Word Hop Mat F: Will, Too, Look, Of, Play, This, Up
- Word Hop Mat G: Saw, Ran, One, Here, Good, Down, Big
- Word Hop Mat H: Away, Yes, All, Am, Around, But, By
- Word Hop Mat I: Call, Came, Eat, Fast, An, Stop, Some
- Word Hop Mat J: She, Who, Out, Old, Make, Into, Going
- Word Hop Mat K: Her, Help, Had, Give, From, Fly, Cold
- Word Hop Mat L: Be, As, After, Your, Under, Soon, So
- Word Hop Mat M: Round, Ride, Its, If, His, Him, May
- Word Hop Mat N: Many, Made, Live, Let, Know, Has, Got
- Word Hop Mat O: Gave, Find, When, Walk, They, Then, Them
- Word Hop Mat P: That, Put, Over, Now, New, About, Could
- Word Hop Mat Q: Ask, Always, Any, Again, Ate, With, Were
- Word Hop Mat R: Went, Take, Say, Our, Once, Or, Long
- Word Hop Mat S: How, First, Found, Does, Been, Because, Bring
- Word Hop Mat T: Wish, Want, Would, Upon, Us, There, Tell
- Word Hop Mat U: Pull, Only, Open, Never, Must, Much, Goes
- Word Hop Mat V: Every, Done, Before, Which, Work, Very, Think
- Word Hop Mat W: Those, Their, These, Small, Show, Sit, Keep
- Word Hop Mat X: Just, Hold, Hot, Grown, Fall, Drink, Draw
- Word Hop Mat Y: Buy, Where, Try, Today, Shall, Read, Pick
- Word Hop Mat Z: Please, Pretty, Off, Own, Myself, Full, Cut
- Word Hop Mat AA: Clean, Both, Best, Better, Write, Why, Well
- Word Hop Mat AB: Use, Together, Wash, Warm, Thank, Sing, Start
- Word Hop Mat AC: Sleep, Right, Laugh, Light, Kind, Hurt, Far
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