Math & Movement Whole School Model


We propose to provide a ‘whole school model’ of the Math & Movement curriculum for schools across the country. Our learning solution – which we call Kinesthetic Klassrooms – offers physical activity and wellness-related programming which utilizes the Math & Movement kinesthetic teaching program for math and literacy across all classrooms throughout entire school systems. Math & Movement’s primary purpose is to foster an environment where all children can feel competent and confident in their math and reading ability. 

We aim to (1) address the math-phobic stigma in classrooms today, (2) create solid reading foundations, (3) increase children’s movement levels (thus decreasing obesity), (4) decrease students’ stress levels and the impact of adverse childhood experiences (or ACEs), and (5) improve students’ mindsets and motivations towards learning in general. Math & Movement meets these aims by harnessing a child’s natural love of movement and creative imagination. 

Whole School Logic Model

Objectives and Goals

Short-term outcomes for our ‘whole school’ model include an increased awareness among teachers of math ‘phobias’ and how to combat these fears through kinaesthetic teaching strategies. Teachers will also see a quick rise in students’ test scores. Students themselves will become more physically active in the process and begin to associate learning new/difficult concepts with fun and physical activity (which is a natural inclination of children!).


Long-term outcomes for our model include students forming lifelong healthy habits, which can involve daily physical exercise and math/reading practice. Students also develop a deeper love for learning once their math and reading ‘phobias’ are eliminated through the integration of play and in their math/reading lessons; students (as well as teachers) will foster an “I can do math” attitude that is seriously lacking in our modern education system – an attitude that will propel students to not only graduate, but also pursue future learning! Once schools adapt our “whole school” model, the success and ease of our solution’s implementation as well as the importance of movement-based learning in helping students overcome trauma will quickly spread in conversations among school administrators nationwide.


Our traditional benchmarks for these outcomes involve the completion of multiple, progressing surveys and assessments geared towards both teachers and students. These assessments not only gather data about the effectiveness of our kinesthetic learning materials on student achievement and learning outcomes.

Teacher Training

Teachers have access to engaging in-person, virtual, and asynchronous learning models. The core of each training also focuses on the importance of trauma-informed instruction and the science behind movement-based learning. 


ACEs Training for Teachers

Synchronous/Asynchronous ACEs Training for Teachers – A landmark study by Felitti and Anda found that 67% of the US population has one or more ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience). Students with ACEs come from every socio-economic class, culture, and ethnicity. The likelihood that one of your students will have one or more ACEs is high. The current pandemic has stock-piled more potential ACEs for your students including food insecurity, death of a loved one, parental addiction to drugs/alcohol, divorce, or loss of income for one or more parents. In addition, new family stressors may include parental inexperience with teaching their child, isolation, stay-at-home orders, or future economic uncertainty. The difficult truth is that students with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) usually find traditional learning environments unsuitable for their needs. This is a 6-part virtual training that includes the background on ACEs, and toxic stress, brain research, the damaging consequences for students with ACES, the appropriate role of the educator, and innovative strategies to calm students and help them learn.

Engaging Student Resources and Activities

Scavenger Hunt


The year is 1914. Dr. Howard Carter, the famed archaeologist and explorer, is en route to the land of Egypt with a crew of archaeologists (including you!) to excavate the wondrous Valley of the Kings! This valley has housed the tombs of ancient Egyptian nobles and royal family members for around 4,000 years! 


The trek from the capital of Cairo to the ancient city of Luxor is a long one, but Dr. Carter has trusted you to navigate the crew to the famous valley to begin excavation. Carter believes the valley still holds secrets and a mysterious pharaoh lays waiting to be discovered – you just need to get there first. Good luck!

Demo 3-5 Scavenger Hunt

Math & Movement Classroom Portal

Teachers and educators will be able to easily add movement-based learning to their classrooms with Math & Movement’s classroom portal. After creating an account teachers will have access to an online database of worksheets, e-books, and lesson plans that include movement-based learning. 

After students complete an initial assessment based on their grade level, there will be online prompts to use specific mats or do cross-body brain breaks. There will be specific activities available related to their grade level and the materials they have, and the students will be able to securely log on and solve state standard aligned questions and complete daily movement-based brain breaks and activities. Teachers can assign quizzes to students, give them assessments, and track their overall progress. 


Eagle Creek students using our mats

Moving and Learning Classrooms

Virtual Multiplication Intervention Program – we provide classrooms with their own sets of materials, which limits contact (COVID-safe!). These materials and this training will enrich all students’ abilities in building their foundational understanding of the key math concept of multiplication while simultaneously burgeoning their confidence in their math abilities and staying physically active. M&M materials are given to each classroom, and classroom teachers are trained virtually on how to use the materials and movements. Teachers use the materials to aid their multiplication lessons, and will administer pre- and post-tests to track student progress. Math & Movement founder, Suzy Koontz, will virtually visit these multiplication classrooms once a week to work with students.


By rotating through stations, students will develop number sense and practice skills for place value, fractions, time, money, geometry, and solving real-world problems. Using the Jump & Learn Multiplication activities, the following specific goals for multiplication will be achieved.

  • Rising 3rd Graders 4-Week Program

    In one hour a day, four days a week, students will master multiplication by 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, and 10s.

  • Rising 3rd Graders 6-Week Program

    In addition to 4-week program goals, students will also master multiplication by 7s, and 8s.

  • Rising 4th and 5th Graders 4-Week Program

    In one hour a day, four days a week, students will master multiplication by 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 10s.

  • Rising 4th and 5th Graders 6-Week Program

    In addition to 4-week program goals, students will also master multiplication by 9s, 11s, and 12s.

Jump & Learn Multiplication, math marathon book

Jump & Learn Multiplication marries trauma-informed and math education by making the process of learning multiplication active, fun, engaging, and fast—all while developing positive self-esteem. Students are introduced to multiplication problems from 0s to 12s, one multiple at a time. Sufficient practice problems allow students to develop multiplication confidence. Positive affirmations adorn the multiplication practice pages. Students are encouraged to begin and end each practice page by reciting a positive affirmation while engaging in cross-body movements. Students document their mastery of each multiple by placing stickers on their personal Progress Reports. Upon completion of the program, the student places a large sticker on the Certificate of Completion. Challenge problems, application problems, mixed multiplication problems, and pre-and post-tests are also included.

Material List

The Math & Movement Comprehensive Package


To catapult reading fluency, include 15 minutes daily of the Jump & Learn Words activities.

  • Rising 1st and 2nd Graders 4-Week Program

    In four days a week, your students will develop fluency with 112 Dolch sight words.

  • Rising 3rd-5th Graders 4-Week Program

    In four days a week, your students will develop fluency with 203 Dolch sight words.

Jump & Learn Words Workbook Cover

Jump & Learn Words offers enjoyable practice with 203 Dolch sight words. Students trace, search for and spell each word. Seven additional questions are included for each word to strengthen a student’s word knowledge. Word lists and pre-and post-tests are included.

Including physical activity makes the process of learning fun! To speed word recognition and reading fluency, use the book along with the Jump & Learn method! Large words with bright background colors are displayed on the ground, allowing students to repeatedly jump on each word while saying the word out loud!

summer school programs, summer learning program, summer learning programs for elementary students
student on alphabet hop - about us
about us skip counting

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